Our contact form can be found below. Please read the following information before contacting us.
Emergency: If this is an emergency, please contact Dr. Deck or your therapist directly by calling their phone number (i.e., if it has been given to you) or by sending a text message to their email address. If you have difficulty making contact, please call 911 or go to the nearest Hospital Emergency Room.
Non-Emergency: If this is not an emergency, you may use the contact form below.
Confidentiality: We take our clients’ confidentially very seriously. The information provided to us is held in strict confidence and is divulged only with your written authorization, if required by law or if you or someone else is in danger. Please see our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy for more information.
Important Notice: By contacting us or requesting a consultation, you acknowledge and accept these terms and those in our Privacy Policy.
Send us a mail at:
347 Lorne St.
Sudbury, Ontario
P3C 4R1
Telephone us at: (705) 524-1000
Fax us at: (705) 524-1003
Send us an email: